My husband takes this religiously for sneezing, running nose, and itchy eyes. He hasn't taken the deep dive to work on his gut issues like I have, so this product is the next best thing. I used to take it before making some massive changes in my diet and gut, so I don't need it much, except for occasionally and it still works like a charm. Just 2 pills and usually won't need anything again, but my husband will take 2 pills 3 x/day when the pollen is high and he doesn't have to take anything pharmaceutical. I think this could be helpful for MAST cell activation if that is an issue.
Oct 14, 2022
Blood Sugar Support - What You Need to Know
According to The National Diabetes Statistics Report led by the Centre for Disease Control in 2020, more than 1 in 1...
Sep 7, 2022
Supporting Your Kids’ Health Naturally Through Nature
"Bring on the soil bacteria!
A developing body benefits from exposure to bacteria found in soil and in nature in...
Sep 9, 2019
Food for Thought: Everything You Need to Know About Fasting
A significant amount of scientific evidence is beginning to suggest that timed periods of fasting may be a good thing. While conventional wisdom tells us that we need to feed our body with a constant supply of nutrients to keep it running steadily at all times, the truth is that fasting has been recognized for its benefits for hundreds, even thousands of years. Read more here
Jul 30, 2019
Vitamin D: The Crucial Health Hormone
Most people think about sun exposure, but there is so much more we can learn about Vitamin D to help support our health journey. This post is all about the science of Vitamin D and how important it is to our bone health, immune system, and everything in-between. Let's dive in.