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Blog posts

Blood Sugar Support - What You Need to Know

According to The National Diabetes Statistics Report led by the Centre for Disease Control in 2020, more than 1 in 1...

Supporting Your Kids’ Health Naturally Through Nature

"Bring on the soil bacteria! A developing body benefits from exposure to bacteria found in soil and in nature in...


There is always new research on what helps to makes your body function at its optimum and what might is causing your symptoms, illness, or disease.   Read more...

8 Ways to Prevent a Cold or Flu

Here at Thrive Health, we are focused on being consciously proactive rather than being reactive.  That’s why it is in our best interest to take preventive measures and boost our immune system to stop the flu before it knocks us down.  Here are 8 ways to get you equipped:

Food for Thought: Everything You Need to Know About Fasting

A significant amount of scientific evidence is beginning to suggest that timed periods of fasting may be a good thing. While conventional wisdom tells us that we need to feed our body with a constant supply of nutrients to keep it running steadily at all times, the truth is that fasting has been recognized for its benefits for hundreds, even thousands of years.  Read more here

Back to School Health: Everything You Need to Know

It’s that time of year again — school supply shopping, yearly physicals, buying new shoes. As a parent, you either love or dread this season. To make things run a little bit more smoothly this year, get ahead of the “inevitable” fall and winter illnesses by taking these 8 easy steps.

Vitamin D: The Crucial Health Hormone

Most people think about sun exposure, but there is so much more we can learn about Vitamin D to help support our health journey. This post is all about the science of Vitamin D and how important it is to our bone health, immune system, and everything in-between. Let's dive in.

Why Your Juice Fast (and other Cleanses) Didn’t Work As You Hoped

“I feel worse now than I did before doing the juice cleanse. Why do they work for everyone else and not for me?” While it may seem like cleanses are a fail-proof strategy for healthier living, feeling worse afterward or seeing little to no change, is not uncommon. Cleanses and detoxes rarely work for anyone long-term. I always say: they are not the solution, they are not the answer, they are a strategy. Let’s dig into the differences between popular detox and Real Cellular Healing – the process I use to help patients get the health results they want.
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