My husband takes this religiously for sneezing, running nose, and itchy eyes. He hasn't taken the deep dive to work on his gut issues like I have, so this product is the next best thing. I used to take it before making some massive changes in my diet and gut, so I don't need it much, except for occasionally and it still works like a charm. Just 2 pills and usually won't need anything again, but my husband will take 2 pills 3 x/day when the pollen is high and he doesn't have to take anything pharmaceutical. I think this could be helpful for MAST cell activation if that is an issue.
VirRadchem Binder
Whether you’re suffering from Lyme symptoms, mold exposure, or even radiation from various sources, this is a powerful supplement that can provide the support the body needs to heal. Exposed to herbicides like glyphosate, pesticides, or other chemicals? This product strips viruses off membranes, binds to retroviruses and mold, and as it binds and removes radiation, can even promote thyroid health, as the thyroid is one of the most radiation-sensitive parts of the body.
ViRadChem contains twelve amino acids, and extracts of Humic, Fulvic, and Ulmic acids. Fulvic acids are polyelectrolytes and are unique colloids that diffuse easily through membranes, unlike all other colloids.
Branched-chain amino acids are essential nutrients that the body obtains from proteins found in food, especially meat, dairy products, and legumes. They include leucine, isoleucine, and valine. "Branched-chain" refers to the chemical structure of these amino acids, which are commonly used in medicinal applications.
Branched-chain amino acids are commonly taken for brain conditions due to liver disease (acute, chronic, and latent hepatic encephalopathy). Branched-chain amino acids are used for many other conditions and may be taken to prevent fatigue, improve concentration, and reduce muscle breakdown during intense exercise.